Newman 3 Pod Table
Newman 3 Pod Table
14" height with 24" dia
Round top | 19.5" height with 24" dia
Round top | 29.25" height with 24" dia
Round top | 29.25" height with 27" dia
Round top | 29.25" height with 23.25 x 23.25" sq top | 29.25" height with 27 x 27" sq top | 35.5" height with 27" dia
Round top | 35.5" height with 31.5" dia
Round top | 41.25" height with 27" dia
Round top | 41.25" height with 31.5" dia
Round top -
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INDUSTRY/PURPOSES: Café | Bistro | Educational | Hospitality | Lobby | Guest | Hotel | Restaurant | Bar/Pub | Lounge | Senior Living
USAGE: Outdoor | Indoor